Views near Golden Grove

Next weekend is the weekend we’ve been looking forward to all winter! Yes! We’ll be opening the house on Block Island.

(Well, okay; we are also looking forward to our son’s wedding, but that won’t be till May.)

Will we have a beautiful sunset while we’re there? The weather forecast looks promising. If we do, the sun will be setting between Sachem Pond and the lighthouse, much like this photo from early April, 2008.

2 thoughts on “Views near Golden Grove

  1. Congratulations! on 2 accounts. Your son’s wedding…that is great.

    I am looking forward to seeing you end of April. Will talk to you more before then to iron out details. Is Dan coming?

  2. I still don’t know about Dan, but the longer I don’t know, the less likely it is. I think he won’t come but isn’t ready to say so yet. 🙁

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