Views near Golden Grove

May 18, 2012. After a day of hard work (by Dan; me, I’m still writing) we get to play mojitos-on-the-deck redux. Another clear day, another gorgeous sunset. Today, though, there are fewer clouds, so the sun sails out of the sky round and even and glittering in the water.



Views near Golden Grove

May 17, 2012. We get to spend our 32nd anniversary on the island. Mojitos on the deck watching the sun shimmer out of the clouds and set full and red. It’s north of the lighthouse now. Official sunset time: 8:01. Official reservation time at the Spring House: 8:15. Great location, great drinks, great sunset, great meal.

Happy anniversary, Dan, my partner, my friend, my love!




Views near Golden Grove

After four months, we’re back on the island again. This is always a wonderful occasion. We regretted not bringing champagne to celebrate–but a surprise fireworks display at 1:15am more than made up for that.

God, meanwhile, or celestial mechanics, was providing our normal and much loved fireworks.

After sunset, the sky continued blazing red for some time.

The full moon rose so bright that we could see colors by moonlight.





Views near Golden Grove

We arrived at the house on Block Island on Thursday. The weather is sunny and so clear that America looks to be a mile or two away–not twelve. The wind is calm. Daffodils are out all over the island. There’s not a lot of activity in town, and where we live up at the end of Corn Neck Road, there’s hardly any. We’re the only ones here. Us, and all this ocean. It’s wonderful.

Last night we were awakened by a kind of thudding, and the windows rattled. The light from the lighthouse, which intemittently casts the windowframe in sharp relief against the opposite wall of the bedroom, seemed to be jumping around. “What’s that?” I asked Dan. Hailstorm? Earthquake? Armageddon?

“Fireworks,” he said.

I jumped up and looked out.

Fireworks. Glorious full-color fireworks in the sky over Sachem Pond.

It was 1:15 in the morning, and no one living on this end of the island but us.


Views near Golden Grove

With a hey, ho, the wind and the rain…

The storm moved onto the island a little before noon today. It’s blowing and pouring, battering at windows and roof. The US Weather Service is predicting sixty-mile-per-hour gusts. All the ferries today are canceled. We are snug inside and enjoying the show. But it does seem appropriate to post last night’s breathtaking sunset, unsettled and intimating a change in the weather.

5:40 pm




Views near Golden Grove

October 16, 2011. Sometime between when we left the house and when we lined up at the ferry terminal, this unlikely cloud formation appeared in the sky, lit from below by the setting sun. It seemed to forebode a serious change in the weather, but instead vanished within minutes, leaving no trace.