I went for a walk/run yesterday around sunset. I’d meant to go earlier in the afternoon, but our weather forecast of “partly cloudy” had generated some rainfall; then I had a late lunch; and before I knew it, it was 3:30 or so. Sunset time in New England! And me, not on my deck!
Never mind the deck. Me, without my camera.
Oh. Wait. The new cell phone has what’s supposed to be a pretty good camera. Why not use it?
And so… may I present… sunset over Sachem Pond!

Later, after the sun had disappeared, I found myself up on a hill on the south side of the pond, where I could see in the deepening dusk–my house! So here, only partially obscured by a pine tree in the bird sanctuary, is a never-before-published view of my house with Sachem Pond in the foreground and Block Island Sound beyond.