Oaxaca – Interiors and courtyards

The details are as rich as the streetscapes here in Oaxaca. I have poked my head into more doorways and courtyards because…who could resist?

This is the courtyard of the excellent Catedral restaurant. The space was so beautiful that we made a reservation for dinner right then and there. And the meal was wonderful, too.

Here are a few other courtyards.



This last one reminded me of a “Via” in old Palm Beach.

The interior of the mescaleria below seemed a fitting place to try the local Oaxacan brew–mescal, made from all the species of agave except the blue agave that yields tequila. It’s milder than tequila, but still over seventy proof. Three shots for ten dollars, more or less. And an atmosphere that can’t be beat for drinking strong drink. (Yes, that’s a happy Margot and Dan, with a happy bartender.)