Views near Golden Grove

We’re back on the island after a winter away, and it is wonderful! Yes, it’s still a bit chilly, especially when the sun’s behind a cloud and the wind is blowing from the northeast, and we’re out planting beach grass. Yes, there was frost on the ground one morning–but the frost is beautiful.

And… we have a morning visitor!

It’s so good to be here…

Views near Golden Grove

It’s snowing here for about the 497th day in a row, and we probably won’t see the actual ground again until sometime in July. I don’t want to say anything bad about winter, but I think we could use a view of something a little green, don’t you?

And I do mean a *little* green. Maybe this isn’t what you were expecting, but it’s *so* Block Island!

Views near Golden Grove

I’m going to skip over the sunsets from our last weekend on the island and go right away to the moonrise. The moon was full–so full that objects cast sharp shadows in the silver light. On the night we left, the moon was rising as we waited for the ferry. It was mostly veiled by clouds, but I caught this moment at Old Harbor.

Hard as it is to believe, I will be out of the country–and probably without my computer–this time next week. If I am able to make posts, I’ll write about my trip. So for now the sunsets are on hold. More in January!

Happy holidays, everyone!

Views near Golden Grove

The weekend of November 19-21 was a bittersweet one for us. It was our last weekend on the island. This is always a kind of sad affair, the last several hours of which involve laundering and putting away the sheets and towels, draping the sofas and chairs with old slip covers and drop cloths so that they will not fade, and packing all our clothing, food, and even many of the staples that we don’t want to leave over the winter in the cold, cold house.

But the island gave us many gifts this weekend, as it often does; and so over the next few weeks I will share with you our unexpected visitors, two sunsets, and a moonrise.

On Friday we were visited by two does and their fawns. If they had come any closer to the house, they would have been sitting on our deck chairs, and we would have had to offer them some gin-and-tonics with their grass. These pictures are taken through the (dirty) windows, so the quality is not the best. But the subjects were so photogenic it hardly mattered.

I think these are the two fawns. They arrived separately and seemed really happy to see one another. Friends.

Here’s a cuter shot.

And this picture, with the porch column in the foreground, may give you an idea of how close they came to the house.

Views near Golden Grove

As we prepare for our last trip of the season (and year) to Block Island–too soon, oh, too soon!–I have been looking back over photographs from previous Novembers. This one, and those from the next few posts, are from 2006 and were not taken from our deck but from nearby.