Views near Golden Grove

I’ve been on the island for several days now…really busy with work, writing and editing, and getting a lot accomplished, too. But I’ve begun to notice in myself–something not quite so obvious on shorter visits–that I am a real deep-in-the-gut sunset fanatic. (Well, duh! I can hear you saying. Eighty-eight posts of photographs on this thread, and you’re only just now noticing how many of them are sunsets? Photographs taken from the very same house?)

But listen, it isn’t just that I take all these photographs of sunsets, and it isn’t even that they’re all beautiful. It’s that every one of them is different. It’s the mystery of these sunsets that has me by the gut, that drives me up from my chair and makes me prowl around the house, camera in hand, heart beating rapidly, taking pictures from windows and decks and the path to the beach. I never know what each sunset is going to be like, in what way it’s going to be uniquely beautiful. I never even know from minute to minute how each one is going to change, how its beauty is going to evolve ten minutes from now, compared to now. Let me show you. Please allow me to present, in close proximity, the sunsets of November 11, November 12, and November 14, 2012.


And so I want to capture every minute of every sunset. I order my days around being home for this event. I have, dear readers, hundreds, maybe thousands, of sunset photographs in my archives, and every one of them is special. I am–I will confess it now–a sunset addict.

Views near Golden Grove

It’s been a month since we were on the island–and how good to be back again!

The house survived Sandy very well. There were just a few loose roof shingles, and yesterday Dan climbed up there and nailed them back again.

Then…a lot earlier than it used to be, and a lot farther to the south…there was another glorious sunset.

Life is good, here in the island. I’m glad to be here all this week.

Views near Golden Grove

After a long, hot summer, it’s great to be back at our home on Block Island again. It’s warm, humid, cloudy, a bit rainy today, and beautiful. As always.

The sunsets the last two days have been lovely.

As always.

Here’s September 2, 2012.


I’m assuming you all saw my nifty new tripod in the immediately previous post, with which I took this last photo!


Views near Golden Grove

I love these long days near the summer solstice. We sleep less. “Late afternoon” means 6pm, and the light is spun silver; the water is shining mercury.

May 27th. We wrap up a day of work around the house and go for a quick ride into town. Silver light turns the Great Salt Pond into magic.


Views near Golden Grove

After four months, we’re back on the island again. This is always a wonderful occasion. We regretted not bringing champagne to celebrate–but a surprise fireworks display at 1:15am more than made up for that.

God, meanwhile, or celestial mechanics, was providing our normal and much loved fireworks.

After sunset, the sky continued blazing red for some time.

The full moon rose so bright that we could see colors by moonlight.





Views near Golden Grove

We arrived at the house on Block Island on Thursday. The weather is sunny and so clear that America looks to be a mile or two away–not twelve. The wind is calm. Daffodils are out all over the island. There’s not a lot of activity in town, and where we live up at the end of Corn Neck Road, there’s hardly any. We’re the only ones here. Us, and all this ocean. It’s wonderful.

Last night we were awakened by a kind of thudding, and the windows rattled. The light from the lighthouse, which intemittently casts the windowframe in sharp relief against the opposite wall of the bedroom, seemed to be jumping around. “What’s that?” I asked Dan. Hailstorm? Earthquake? Armageddon?

“Fireworks,” he said.

I jumped up and looked out.

Fireworks. Glorious full-color fireworks in the sky over Sachem Pond.

It was 1:15 in the morning, and no one living on this end of the island but us.


Views near Golden Grove

With a hey, ho, the wind and the rain…

The storm moved onto the island a little before noon today. It’s blowing and pouring, battering at windows and roof. The US Weather Service is predicting sixty-mile-per-hour gusts. All the ferries today are canceled. We are snug inside and enjoying the show. But it does seem appropriate to post last night’s breathtaking sunset, unsettled and intimating a change in the weather.

5:40 pm




Views near Golden Grove

Yesterday afternoon the rain clouds rolled in. The wind picked up; the air smelled like the ocean. Thunder growled a warning. And then the rain broke loose. I closed the windows and kept working. After a while, the sky grew lighter, and when I looked up the sun was shining again, long, late afternoon golden light slanting through the pouring rain.

Wait a minute.

Late afternoon sunlight…in the pouring rain…

There must be a rainbow! A perfect end to this beautiful (Jewish) New Year’s day.

As if the rainbow weren’t enough, the sun put on a show too.