Views near Golden Grove

I wish I could post to this blog just how sweet the air smells on the island. The wild roses and the rosa rugosa are blooming. This is the air that God meant for us to breathe. What a blessing!

The weather was unsettled last weekend; the sunset was spectacular early but faded out as a cloud bank moved in from the west. There were thunderstorms that night.

Views near Golden Grove

As seen from our deck, the sun now sets to the north of the lighthouse as it approaches the summer solstice. This series of photos, taken between 7:30 and 8:00pm on May 15th, suggest that we will enjoy late northern sunsets for the next ten weeks. We or our tenants, that is. You lucky people who get to summer on the island.

Views near Golden Grove

I am so far behind in posting my sunset pictures that I think I will never catch up. So many wonderful pictures! So little time!

Here’s a picture from May 6, 2010 that’s pure visual cotton candy. Enjoy!

Views near Golden Grove

Wow. I’m finally nearing the end of the weekend of April 2, 2010. The photographs in this post were taken just an hour or two later than those in last week’s post.

More than a month has passed since I captured this sunset.

I wonder how far north the sun will have moved in this time. If the weather permits, we’ll see this weekend.

Views near Golden Grove

I do like sunglades.

With sunlight dancing on the water, I strolled around near the house, camera in hand. There was a wonderful sunset on April 2nd, but those photos will have to wait as instead I bring you an afternoon’s sun magic.

Views near Golden Grove

It’s a gift, that’s what it is.

I realize this almost every time I look at the sky. The sky is filled with unutterable, incomprehensible, exquisite beauty. I don’t know whether this beauty is inherent in the sky itself or in how we humans are wired to perceive it, but that doesn’t really matter, does it? Because either way … it is given to us.

So here is another ordinary everyday breathtaking sunset on Block Island. April 1, 2010. We are blessed.

I especially like how the sun image reflects in Sachem Pond.

Later, the breeze picked up a little, ruffling the pond. But the sky show went on.

Views near Golden Grove

Sunrise at the Golden Grove

April 3, 2010

It’s 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday, a day I’d hoped to sleep late. But it was 24-karat sunshine angling into the bedroom window, that worth-more-per-ounce-than-you-have-money-in-the-bank kind of light, and it drew me out of bed just as surely as if they were giving out thousand-dollar bills on the beach.

There aren’t many places on the island from which you can see both sunrises and sunsets over the ocean.

This house is one of the few.

To the west, the lighthouse glowed in the dawn light. Quite a different sight from when the fog rolled in that evening–see last week’s post.

Views near Golden Grove

What a beautiful weekend on the island! I’ll have a couple of great sunsets and a delicious sunrise to ease the nostalgia sometime when we’re far away, but for today I’d like to share Saturday’s stunning weather phenomenon. In the early afternoon we were in town and noticed how a brooding grey fog bank blanketed the shores of America, while on the island it was sunny and warm. But later in the day a fog rolled in out of the west, shrouding the North Light in mystery.

Later, the fog thickened, a dark roiling grey lying on the sea just beyond the dunes of the National Seashore.

Then it closed in.

Views near Golden Grove

After nearly four months away, we returned to the island last Friday on the 6pm ferry. What a wonderful homecoming! Of course, the question that kept our pulses racing was: Will we make it back to the house in time for the sunset?

Early signs were encouraging. The sun had not yet set when the ferry docked. We raced up Corn Neck Road. Oh–no, sorry, officer, what I meant was: We drove up Corn Neck Road just as quickly as traffic (nonexistent) and the speed limit would allow.

But there was a problem with the photographer.

The photographer wanted to stop at every photo opportunity. The photographer even made Dan turn the car around and go back once when he hadn’t realized she wasn’t joking. The photographer had to take a picture of the violent waves crashing on Crescent Beach, with the wings of the sunset spreading to the north.

The photographer *also* had to stop and take a picture of the sun setting over Great Salt Pond.

So it will come as no surprise to anyone that by the time we arrived home at about 7:15, the sun had already set. But it was one of those glorious sunset that keeps up the light show for a while after the sun goes down.

The contrast of colors was remarkable. An arrival to remember.

Views near Golden Grove

Next weekend is the weekend we’ve been looking forward to all winter! Yes! We’ll be opening the house on Block Island.

(Well, okay; we are also looking forward to our son’s wedding, but that won’t be till May.)

Will we have a beautiful sunset while we’re there? The weather forecast looks promising. If we do, the sun will be setting between Sachem Pond and the lighthouse, much like this photo from early April, 2008.