The Marble Mountains, Da Nang, Vietnam

The road from Hoi An to the Marble Mountains runs in the lowlands near the sea. Rice paddies abound.

Approaching the famous, and revered, source of marble, stone works and retail shops also abound. And the wares are exotic, beautiful, perhaps overly expensive, and definitely too heavy to carry home.

Fascinating, but we must move on. There are, apparently, five marble mountains, each named after an element. We visit Water Mountain. The view from here, encompassing other mountains, is stunning.

On Water Mountain itself, we visit an impressive seven-story pagoda. Its entryway is flanked by dragons. (I love dragons!) Other shrines on the mountain also have entryways guarded by mythical and semi-mythical beasts.

There are dieties and buddhas in the shrines . . .

. . . and in the caves!

Here”s a particularly peaceful buddha!

How to Touch Statues

Our neighborhood in Kyoto, Higashiyama, is full of shrines, large and small, as well as a few notable temples. A shrine by the side of the street where we were walking contained this toddler-sized and friendly-looking statue, along with an explanatory sign.


Now, perhaps it never crossed your mind to touch this statue. You wouldn’t be alone! But if you did feel that gentle stirring in your heart, you may wish to reach out to this likable statue, and if so, you may think you know everything you need to know about how to touch him. But you might be surprised to learn that there’s more to it. Fortunately, it has all been explained for you. Here’s how:
