Vienna – A miscellany of details I like

How I hate the category “Miscellaneous”! It’s that dark space under the rug of the disorganized mind where unruly items can be swept, made invisible, and thenceforth ignored.

But here I am, stuck with a miscellany of pictures that have nothing in common (besides for being in Vienna) and that I like too well to discard.

So please. Bear with me.

The angel in the woods

The angel in the woods

This golden angel seems a good place to start. She is not actually *in* the woods. But she certainly appears to be from this viewpoint. The sight struck me with a particular poignancy thanks to my friend L. Jagi Lamplighter Wright, whose latest book features a statue of an angel in the woods.

And while we’re on the subject of statues…

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All day long they’re singing, mmm, my work is so hard

Give me water, I'm thirsty... My work is so hard

Give me water, I’m thirsty… My work is so hard

Watching from the top of the dome

Watching from the top of the dome

We came upon what seemed like an unusually dreary neighborhood (well, maybe the dreary part was due to the weather) without much architectural interest. And yet, and yet…

An elegant overpass with its light pole

An elegant overpass with its light pole

Watch your step!

Watch your step!

This rapidly became our favorite bakery.

We walked blocks out of our way to visit this bakery a second time...

We walked blocks out of our way to visit this bakery a second time…

...and a third.

…and a third.

This looks like a good place to shop!

This looks like a good place to shop!

It doesn't look like anything ought to be able to grow in a corner this dark, but...

It doesn’t look like anything ought to be able to grow in a corner this dark, but…

Vienna is full of interesting upper-story pedestrian overpasses.

This one's on the third floor (second floor above the ground floor0

This one’s on the third floor (second floor above the ground floor)

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It has a wonderful Art Nouveau astrological…er, clock?

Finally, I really don’t know what to make of this, except that as a reader and writer of fantasy I like it a great deal!

The corner looks unfinished, except that it's much too deliberate.

The corner looks unfinished, except that it’s much too deliberate.

Let's see... a farsighted red cow reading strange runes while being shooed by a magical broom? Did I get that right?

Let’s see… a farsighted red cow reading strange runes while being shooed by a magical broom? Did I get that right?

Vienna – Art Nouveau houses

As I mentioned in the previous post, Dan and I had come to Wienzeile in order to see a couple of noteworthy Art Nouveau style houses on Linke Wienzeile. And they were lovely–if a bit difficult to photograph in their entirety due to the pesky market buildings at our back.  😉 (Anyone who read the previous post will know at once that we loved the market on Wienzeile.)

The two Art Nouveau houses by architect Otto Wagner at numbers 38 and 40 Linke Wienzeile are indeed beautiful. And just as lovely is the way they meet each other as well as the next building–with a great deal of mutual respect, a value in architecture that has been much neglected by many buildings in modern times.

Starting at number 38, we see…

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From the corner, it’s almost “just another gilded building.” You’d hardly notice the Art Nouveau elements. But moving along, the style becomes more evident.

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This building is joined to the one at number 40 by balconies and by a nearly continuous wrought-iron railing.

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I love the pattern of tiles on the facade of the building at number 38! And just look at the railings and the decorations on the insides of the balconies!

Now, you might be thinking that it’s no great wonder that these two buildings, different as they are in many obvious particulars, are joined together so harmoniously. They are, after all, by the same architect.

But look at how respectfully the house at number 38 uses its ornamented balconies ans wrought-iron railings to join with the Baroque building next door.

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