Budapest – the market

Oh joy! We come now to one of Dan’s and my more favorite buildings in Budapest. As many of our friends and followers of this blog know, we are really keen on markets. And while Budapest’s market may not be the most intense or the most exotic or the most diverse, its Great Market Hall (Nagy Vásárcsarnok) is certainly one of the most beautiful market buildings we have ever seen.

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We probably saw more ristras of red chiles here and all kinds of packages of chile powder, stall for stall, than any place outside of New Mexico. Here, of course, they call it paprika.

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And of course don’t forget the fresh chiles!

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Sometimes it seemed every stall had something to do with peppers. Or, well, not all of them. Some had other things like yummy baked goods.

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Time to go upstairs and check out the market from those enticing-looking walkways up above.

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