Views near Golden Grove

Okay, today I am cheating. There–I’ve admitted it. If a person admits she is cheating, is it still cheating?

I am writing this post from Florida, where it has been unseasonably cold. It is still far less cold than the seasonable weather in New England, though, so I am not complaining. I’m actually quite cheerful about being here, where the days are bright enough for sunglasses, and the sun doesn’t set until about 5:30pm.

Here is a Florida picture (not Block Island!) from last Thursday at about 6pm. This picture was taken looking out over the intracoastal waterway from Lake Park, Florida.

Yes, the water really was that pink!

Views near Golden Grove

No doubt this was inevitable. We have watched a sunset that evolved so beautifully that I can’t pick just one picture. So here are five pictures taken over the course of twenty-five breathtaking minutes on November 21, 2009.

2009-1121 5-11

2009-1121 5-16

The sun comes out from behind the clouds just as it sets.

2009-1121 5-24

After going down, the sun lights up the cloud bank to the east from beneath.

2009-1121 5-36

2009-1121 5-37

The sun has already set, but the sky show isn’t finished.

Views near Golden Grove

It’s been five or six weeks since we’ve been on the island: much too long! The island seems not to hold a grudge, however, and gave us three wonderful sunsets in as many afternoons this weekend. We were heading home as the sun set on Sunday, but we stopped to snap this shot over the Great Salt Pond.

2009_1122 Great Salt Pond

Views near Golden Grove

Our last trip out to the island already seems so long ago! It’s hard to believe it was less than a month, and harder still to believe that the fall season is almost over. On that last trip, we spent a good part of Friday on the standby line at Point Judith–from an hour before the first ferry of the morning until the 3:30pm ferry, when we finally got the car onto the boat. “We have to get a house someplace closer,” Dan pretended to complain that evening. “We left the house at 6am, and we didn’t get here until 5pm.” But on a day that promised only clouds and rain, the sky gave us a treat at Pt. Judith as the storm system rolled in–and another one on the island when the sun lined up with a gap in the clouds for an unexpected display.

Cloud front moving in at Pt. Judith

Cloud front moving in at Pt. Judith

A hole in the clouds just at sunset

A hole in the clouds just at sunset

Click here to view previous post.

Views near Golden Grove

I am currently visiting seaboard locations far south of Block Island. This week’s Golden Grove sunset comes from the archives. The year is 2003, and judging from where the sun is setting, I’d say it’s maybe late April or early May.

Sunset with lighthouse, late April 2003

Sunset with lighthouse, late April 2003

Click here to see last week’s view.