Vienna — Tian Restaurant

We interrupt this blog’s leisurely stroll down the streets of Prague to bring you a special–and timely–post about Tian Restaurant in Vienna, where we have just finished what might be our absolutely best dinner in the last quarter century. Or more. As they say on their Web site, and on the blackboard next to the kitchen, “Experience Taste.”

smIMG_1682The truth is, you have to experience taste because your eyes will not tell you what you are eating. All your eyes will tell you is that it is beautiful. And that–and yes, the experience of taste–are more than enough.

Oh. I should mention. This magnificent restaurant is entirely vegetarian.

We each ordered a three-course dinner, and there were so many amuse-bouches between courses that we honestly lost track of them all. And forgot to photograph many. But here’s what I have. The first amuse-bouche (which contains carrot, pickled pumpkin, and an unknown but delicious drink), followed by something else I can’t identify (but trust me, it was really good), and then the first appetizer course.




smIMG_1657Tea of tomato with raspberry. This came with a blini and, er, something.

smIMG_1655The other appetizer…

smIMG_1658…was yellow (and green) beans with goat cheese and chantarelles. I didn’t order dessert but instead had a second appetizer…

smIMG_1661…zucchini blossom stuffed with, er, something, with various little vegetables and cepes mushrooms and a parsley <something> sauce that was out of this world. There followed one of many amuse-bouches of unknown but incredibly delicious substances beautifully presented.

smIMG_1662Our neighbors at the next table, meanwhile, were eating other unknown substances amusingly presented, which they swore were delicious.

smIMG_1666Next came what might have been the first part of the main course. Or possibly more amuses-bouches.

smIMG_1670The red radish-looking things were made from radishes but were soft, not crunchy. The green seemed to be part peas.

smIMG_1667This looked like corn, but was more like corn pudding. Now here are the main courses of the main courses.

smIMG_1671Artichokes and young corn with cabernet sauvignon jus. (Never have I seen a single piece of popcorn so enticingly presented!)

smIMG_1672Tetris of young kohlrabi with jasmine blossom.

And finally, that course you’ve all been waiting for: dessert:

smIMG_1674Coeur de Guanaja chacolate with strawberry and yoghurt.

Oh, this meal makes me dizzy just thinking about it!