Views near Golden Grove

Here it is, Tuesday again, and we have a weather forecast that looks like this:


Snow Likely Chance for Measurable Precipitation 70%
Hi 38 °F

Rain/Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 100%

Lo 32 °F


Rain/Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 100%

Hi 37 °F


Rain/Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 80%

Lo 32 °F


Rain/Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 90%

Hi 41 °F


Rain/Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 90%

Lo 30 °F


Snow Likely Chance for Measurable Precipitation 70%
Hi 37 °F

Snow Likely Chance for Measurable Precipitation 60%
Lo 28 °F

Chance Rain/Snow Chance for Measurable Precipitation 50%
Hi 41 °F

I’d say, it’s time for a beautiful sunset! Here’s one from July, 2008, a fitting antidote to cold, dreary weather!

Views near Golden Grove

Dan has been after me to get that old, slow computer off his desk for months now, and I’ve been resisting because of all the work involved in making sure that it no longer holds any of our personal data. I’d mostly completed this task, and this weekend, I decided to finish it. While going through the few remaining files, I came across this gem, taken by some friends in May 2006. Enjoy!

Views near Golden Grove

Trompe l’oeil

This picture from December 1, 2008 looks like a clear view of the sunset sea beyond the sand dunes on the far side of Sachem Pond. But it isn’t. That’s a cloud bank, possibly part of a weather front, rolling in from the west as the sun was setting.

Views near Golden Grove

Winter has taken a firm and heavy grip on New England. It’s been snowing here in Boston for the last couple of days, sometimes mixed with rain. There are rain showers on the island. This seems a good time for a midsummer sunset picture. Here’s one from the summer solstice–to be enjoyed with a margarita in hand while sitting outside on the deck in the rose-scented June air.

Ah! Life is good!

Views near Golden Grove

Okay, today I am cheating. There–I’ve admitted it. If a person admits she is cheating, is it still cheating?

I am writing this post from Florida, where it has been unseasonably cold. It is still far less cold than the seasonable weather in New England, though, so I am not complaining. I’m actually quite cheerful about being here, where the days are bright enough for sunglasses, and the sun doesn’t set until about 5:30pm.

Here is a Florida picture (not Block Island!) from last Thursday at about 6pm. This picture was taken looking out over the intracoastal waterway from Lake Park, Florida.

Yes, the water really was that pink!

Views near Golden Grove

The winter sun sets far to the south of the lighthouse. From our house we look through the sparse trees on the nature preserve to our south, across Sachem Pond, over the dunes, and to the sea beyond.

“Those are very pretty sunsets,” my mother comments, “but they don’t look like winter sunsets.”

“What does a winter sunset look like?” I ask.

“Well… colder. Less colorful.”

Sorry to disappoint you, Mom, but we get wonderfully colorful winter sunsets. Here’s one from November 20th.

2009-1120 4:21pm