The Little Street of Unbearable Cuteness

Late in the afternoon of our first full day in Tokyo, having seen how big and modern Tokyo can be, we headed to a small district that retains much of the texture of pre-WWII Tokyo–smaller houses, narrower streets, no high rises. And its own pedestrian shopping street.

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It is . . . the Little Street of Unbearable Cuteness. And a notable feature of this street is . . . cats!


On the signs . . . cats!

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Prominent among the merchandise . . . cats!

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On the rooftops . . . cats!


In the windows . . . cats!

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Wait a minute! Let’s look at that last one again!


Is that, “No cat, no life”?

And yet, and yet, we saw no live cats on the Little Street of Unbearable Cuteness.

Alien Space-Cat from Mars

What with all the travel, we fell behind in brushing our mostly-Maine-coon cat Amber this spring. The knots wouldn’t come out any more with a brush, and Amber won’t sit still for a scissors. So the only thing left to do was to take him for professional grooming. And so, day before yesterday, poor unhappy Amber was transported to our nearby local “Pet Resort and Spa” for a lion cut.

Well, I did tell them to use the unscented shampoo. Really.

But whether it’s his new ‘do or his fresh, clean smell, Gwenny doesn’t recognize Amber any more. Gwenny is a Russian Blue less than half Amber’s size. “Who let this alien creature into the house?” she growls. “Get him out! Go away! Back to wherever he came from! This is *my* territory! Mine!”

She won’t let him in the same room with her. When the yowling gets too intolerable, I have to separate them.

Amber seems to find this confusing. He’s learned over the last thirteen years not to be afraid of Gwenny, and it’s probably been almost a decade since she acted this hostile. “Who, me?” he wonders. “Wazzup with this?”

What they’re up to these days in Palm Beach

Oh, those trendy people over in Palm Beach. What new and unusual activities will they think of to fill their empty hours now that the Madoff scandal is old news? Apparently, it’s… feral cats. Or, to be more precise, fighting over feral cats. You’d think that two groups that both claim to want to help the poor animals might be able to cooperate, wouldn’t you? Or, as with squabbling children, we could separate them: PB Cats, you take everything south of Royal Palm Way; Island Cats, you stay to the north. But no, we are going to settle this catfight in the good, old-fashioned, tried-and-true American Way: by going to court.